Honeycomb Tactile Panel


So many textures to touch and feel! This Honeycomb Tactile Panel includes a large variety of different shapes, textures and raised and recessed areas for fantastic sensory input.

The surfaces also allow users to explore different levels of temperature, softness/ hardness, and smoothness/ coarseness. Use to:

  • Inspire the imagination
  • Encourage memory recall through familiar textures
  • Improve fine motor and communication skills
  • Stimulate the senses and develop sensory integration


Textures can have a significant impact on our mood and behavior. For example, a soft, smooth texture may create feelings of comfort and relaxation, while a rough, coarse texture can stimulate and excite the senses. For those with sensory processing disorders, this panel is a great way to gradually introduce and explore new surfaces.

We also highly recommend this panel for users with a visual impairment.

SKU: 759067 Categories: ,

Measures: 1m x 1m